Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Jan 1, 08

Dear Friends,
It is New Years Day, my 58th. Brings to mind one’s past, and of course the future. We usually make some promises to ourselves this time of year… self-improvement kinds of things…That’s what I have been thinking about today.
One promise I want to keep is to write more… So here I am writing…
Another promise is to think less about myself and more of others… That’s a damn hard one for me…as you know, since you are my friend.
Watching less TV, being more productive, making better use of my time… Those are high up on my list of promises too…
Facing those things I am afraid of is a promise I want to keep also…
Hope things are well with you. Some of you I have seen recently, others I haven’t seen or talked with in a long time…I hope this "group" email won’t turn you off… Sometimes they bother me when I receive a greeting from someone and they have sent it to 50 others… Seems kind of impersonal. I suppose you could feel that way about this note..… hope it gets to you at the right time…and you are in the right frame of mind to receive it. Timing is so important as we have all heard before.
It was a beautiful day today… Sunny, crisp, and a little breezy at times… Cold weather is coming in the next couple of days. I spent some time today wrapping outside spigots, checking and covering pumps, and putting hay in dog houses…
The time seems to be just flying by. That worries me as there is more time behind me now than lies in front of me for sure. All the more reason to make good use of the time we have.
There are so many things that I can be thankful for, as I have been given much…
John just drove up in the yard. I better go talk with him.
Hope you have a good year…

January 1, 2008

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